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hdgö: Nachgefragt. Geschichte hat viele Perspektiven

hdgö Neue Burg, Heldenplatz, Wien, Österreich

mit Elisabeth Magdlener, Verein CCC** – Change Cultural Concepts Donnerstag, 15. Juli 2021, 18.00 Uhr Nach kurzer Einführung und Auseinandersetzung mit Objekten zur Selbstbestimmt-Leben-Bewegung in der Ausstellung Neue Zeiten: Österreich seit 1918 folgt ein Vortrag von Elisabeth Magdlener mit anschließendem Gespräch: Kultur und Teilhabe für Alle und mit Allen im Kontext von Dis_ability Die kulturelle… Weiterlesen »hdgö: Nachgefragt. Geschichte hat viele Perspektiven

3€ – 4€

Exploring Research Seminar: Nothing About Us Without Us


Zum nachschauen: Join artists Dolly Sen, Christopher Samuel and disability historian Professor David Turner to hear about their experiences as users of Wellcome Collection and the methods they used to research the suppressed histories of disability. Dolly will discuss her current project, ‘Birdsong From Inobservable Worlds’. Using literature, performance and film, Dolly’s work explores and challenges the mental health archives… Weiterlesen »Exploring Research Seminar: Nothing About Us Without Us


Neurodiversity: A Brief History | Interactive Webinar


A Brief History of Neurodiversity and the Future of learning differently is a webinar by Exceptional Individuals About this event This workshop will equip attendees with an understanding of different learning styles due to their neurodiversity, and identify which strategies would help with their own learning style in the workplace. The Breif History of Neurodiversity… Weiterlesen »Neurodiversity: A Brief History | Interactive Webinar


14th International Conference on the Inclusive Museum

Blended - Vor Ort und Online Lisbon, Portugal

2021 Special Focus: What Museums Post Pandemic? Call for Papers now open Founded in 2008, The Inclusive Museum Research Network is brought together by a shared concern for the future role of the museum and how it can become more inclusive. We seek to build an epistemic community where we can make linkages across disciplinary, geographic, and… Weiterlesen »14th International Conference on the Inclusive Museum

Komplexe Theorien leicht verständlich für den Kontext Behinderung nutzbar machen


Die Arbeitsbereiche Allgemeine Sonderpädagogik (Kremsner, in Vertretung) sowie Geistige Entwicklung (Schuppener) am Institut für Förderpädagogik der Universität Leipzig zur Vortragsreihe "Komplexe Theorien leicht verständlich für den Kontext Behinderung nutzbar machen“ einladen. Am 3.11.2021 finden dazu zwei Vorträge statt: Nicola Grove spricht von 14 bis 15 Uhr darüber, wie Theorien gemeinsam mit inklusiven Forscher:innen entdeckt werden… Weiterlesen »Komplexe Theorien leicht verständlich für den Kontext Behinderung nutzbar machen

Teaching inclusive histories (online event)


Hier online nachschauen Join school and museum teachers to share practice and hear from keynote speakers on teaching inclusive histories About this event Book here to join a livestream zoom webinar and receive film recordings of keynote speeches. If you prefer to join in person at the National Maritime Museum please book here. The Teaching Inclusive… Weiterlesen »Teaching inclusive histories (online event)


Accessible communication: clear language and graphic design


8 and 9 November, 3-6 pm (Lisbon) Online (Zoom) Trainer: Maria Vlachou Errors in communication (visual and written) are common and repeated and continue to prevent visitors form having access to the content of exhibitions and other media. Museum professionals and designers complain about a mutual misunderstanding as to the role and responsibilities of each… Weiterlesen »Accessible communication: clear language and graphic design


Spaces of Sickness and Wellbeing: Disabling Spaces / Spaces of Disability‘ round table


A roundtable of scholars, chaired by Rebecca Wynter, will frame new ways of looking at space through the prism of disability. Sign up here In 1983, UK academic-activist Mike Oliver coined the term ‘social model of disability’. The social model helped spotlight the ableism of the built and material environment, which ensured disablement and sustained… Weiterlesen »Spaces of Sickness and Wellbeing: Disabling Spaces / Spaces of Disability‘ round table


The Activist Museum


Hier zum nachschauen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSEytwLbL-Q  The Activist Museum brings together projects which share a concern for democratic practice, human rights and equitable museum spaces. The Activist Museum The Research Centre for Museums and Galleries (RCMG) in the School of Museum Studies at the University of Leicester is delighted to invite you to ‘The Activist Museum’. The… Weiterlesen »The Activist Museum


Taking Over the New Normal – Heritage Conference


There's a 'new normal' in heritage venues - find out how our partnership work can help you to support disability access. About this event Cardiff People First is run by people with a learning disability. Over the years they have partnered with Museum of Cardiff and Glamorgan Archives to create innovative ground-breaking projects. Their Take… Weiterlesen »Taking Over the New Normal – Heritage Conference

Disability History Month: Intellectual Disability in England, 1750-1900 – Dr Simon Jarrett


Hier zum Nachschauen: https://mmutube.mmu.ac.uk/media/Simon+Jarrett+Long+cap+BSL/1_r6n048qx About this event Dr Jarrett traces the little-known lives of people with learning disabilities from the communities of eighteenth-century England to the nineteenth-century asylum and care in today’s society. Using evidence from civil and criminal court-rooms, joke books, slang dictionaries, novels, art and caricature, this talk brings into sharp focus the… Weiterlesen »Disability History Month: Intellectual Disability in England, 1750-1900 – Dr Simon Jarrett