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UK Museums Association Conference 2020.


World Turned Upside Down: Exploring the Future of Museums Our 2020 annual conference was held virtually and was free to all our members. It featured a range of fantastic speakers, engaging sessions and lots of practical advice and support. Across five days of debate, reflection, networking and more, we explored the theme of the future… Weiterlesen »UK Museums Association Conference 2020.

Webinar: A Meeting Place – Time for change: tackling underrepresentation


Time for Change: tackling underrepresentation to bring about innovation and equity – 16th February 2021 (5 pm CET) Hosted by Esther Fox, Head of Accentuate Programme at Screen South, Artist and Researcher, in conversation with: Zeina Arida, Director, Sursock Museum, Beirut Daniel Kotowski, Visual Artist and Educator at Zachęta National Gallery of Art and the Museum of… Weiterlesen »Webinar: A Meeting Place – Time for change: tackling underrepresentation


Online-Gespräch „Berühren erwünscht“ mit Rotraut Krall, Leiterin der Kunstvermittlung

Rotraut Krall, Leiterin der Kunstvermittlung, stellt die barrierefreie Kunstvermittlung im Kunsthistorischen Museum vor Seit mehr als 10 Jahren gibt es im Kunsthistorischen Museum ein abwechslungsreiches Angebot an Führungen für Menschen mit besonderen Bedürfnissen. War dieses zuerst auf blinde und sehschwache Menschen fokussiert, findet heute regelmäßig ein breites Spektrum an Kunstvermittlung statt, das die unterschiedlichsten Formen… Weiterlesen »Online-Gespräch „Berühren erwünscht“ mit Rotraut Krall, Leiterin der Kunstvermittlung

Access All Areas: Disability and the LGBTIQA+ Community in Arts & Heritage Spaces


Wednesday 19 May, 17.00 - 18.30 (18.00-19.30 CET) The discussion can be found on the Pitt Rivers YouTube channel. Join the Beyond the Binary project in conversation with leading LGBTIQA+ academics, artists and practitioners who campaign for accessibility and disabled representation in the UK's cultural sector. Together with our online audience, the panel will discuss… Weiterlesen »Access All Areas: Disability and the LGBTIQA+ Community in Arts & Heritage Spaces


All Inclusive: Championing Accessible Museums


Through provocations, case studies and panel discussions, All Inclusive: Championing Accessible Museums explores how museums can become truly inclusive spaces and representational platforms, and champion equality at every level.


Exploring Research Seminar: Nothing About Us Without Us


Zum nachschauen: Join artists Dolly Sen, Christopher Samuel and disability historian Professor David Turner to hear about their experiences as users of Wellcome Collection and the methods they used to research the suppressed histories of disability. Dolly will discuss her current project, ‘Birdsong From Inobservable Worlds’. Using literature, performance and film, Dolly’s work explores and challenges the mental health archives… Weiterlesen »Exploring Research Seminar: Nothing About Us Without Us


Teaching inclusive histories (online event)


Hier online nachschauen Join school and museum teachers to share practice and hear from keynote speakers on teaching inclusive histories About this event Book here to join a livestream zoom webinar and receive film recordings of keynote speeches. If you prefer to join in person at the National Maritime Museum please book here. The Teaching Inclusive… Weiterlesen »Teaching inclusive histories (online event)


The Activist Museum


Hier zum nachschauen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSEytwLbL-Q  The Activist Museum brings together projects which share a concern for democratic practice, human rights and equitable museum spaces. The Activist Museum The Research Centre for Museums and Galleries (RCMG) in the School of Museum Studies at the University of Leicester is delighted to invite you to ‘The Activist Museum’. The… Weiterlesen »The Activist Museum


Disability History Month: Intellectual Disability in England, 1750-1900 – Dr Simon Jarrett


Hier zum Nachschauen: https://mmutube.mmu.ac.uk/media/Simon+Jarrett+Long+cap+BSL/1_r6n048qx About this event Dr Jarrett traces the little-known lives of people with learning disabilities from the communities of eighteenth-century England to the nineteenth-century asylum and care in today’s society. Using evidence from civil and criminal court-rooms, joke books, slang dictionaries, novels, art and caricature, this talk brings into sharp focus the… Weiterlesen »Disability History Month: Intellectual Disability in England, 1750-1900 – Dr Simon Jarrett

“That which never can be suppressed”: LGBTQ+ history in the Royal College Physicians‘ collections


LGBTQ+ stories can be traced back at least 350 years in our collections and cover the experiences of LGBTQ+ people, including physicians, as well as the views of a society that medicalised them. What contributions did physicians make to the ground-breaking Wolfenden Report? How was sexuality and gender identity discussed in the earliest textbooks on… Weiterlesen »“That which never can be suppressed”: LGBTQ+ history in the Royal College Physicians‘ collections
