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“That which never can be suppressed”: LGBTQ+ history in the Royal College Physicians‘ collections


LGBTQ+ stories can be traced back at least 350 years in our collections and cover the experiences of LGBTQ+ people, including physicians, as well as the views of a society that medicalised them. What contributions did physicians make to the ground-breaking Wolfenden Report? How was sexuality and gender identity discussed in the earliest textbooks on… Weiterlesen »“That which never can be suppressed”: LGBTQ+ history in the Royal College Physicians‘ collections


Cripical Theory: 12 Aspects of Disability Art & Education Never Resolved


Creative Industries Festival: Opening Statement & "Cripical Theory": 12 Aspects of Disability Art and Education That Never Get Resolved About this event Register Here for Zoom Link What is the problem with terms like 'non-disabled', 'tragic', 'brave', 'heartwarming', 'normal', 'people with disabilities' and others often used when addressing artificially constructed oppositions? This session serves as… Weiterlesen »Cripical Theory: 12 Aspects of Disability Art & Education Never Resolved


Invisible & Under-Represented? Disability History, Objects & Heritage


Conference: 22-23 March 2022 The experiences and histories of disabled people, like other marginalised groups, are often absent or hidden the museum or archive. Almost twenty years ago, both Annie Delin (2002) and Catherine Kudlick (2002) separately suggested that the place of disability in our shared past has been 'buried in the footnotes' or the… Weiterlesen »Invisible & Under-Represented? Disability History, Objects & Heritage


Anti-Racism and Museums: Young People Sparking Change


Are you interested in exploring how museums can create platforms for young Black, Asian and minority ethnic creatives? About this event The lack of diversity within the museum sector is reflected by its visitor data. Did you know that only 9% of museum visitors describe their ethnicity as Black, Asian or minority ethnic, despite making… Weiterlesen »Anti-Racism and Museums: Young People Sparking Change


Diversity Arts Network meeting : Disability and inclusion


Diversity Arts Network meeting: 30th March 2-4pm Disability and Inclusion For our first session this year we will be focussing on Disability, and we are delighted to be working with Square Pegs Arts Charity. Square Pegs Arts will deliver a session that explores and discusses issues, challenges and opportunities around access, inclusion and equity. We… Weiterlesen »Diversity Arts Network meeting : Disability and inclusion


Inklusion bewegt –Körpererfahrung und Selbstreflexion (Workshop)

Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3, 1070 Wien, 3.06 Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3, Wien, Österreich

Workshop mit Elisabeth Löffler, Performance Artist u. a. bei MellowYellow, MAD Mixed-Abled Dance. Eine Veranstaltung des Fachbereichs Kunst- und Kulturpädagogik im Rahmen der Reihe Inklusion – Impulse und Herausforderungen für Schule und Unterricht. Coronabedingt ist eine Anmeldung bis Mo, 4. April 2022 unter a.planer@akbild.ac.at notwendig! Für Rollstuhlnutzer*innen zugänglich. Weitere Veranstaltungen: 10. März 2022 Inklusive Pädagogik: Politisches Projekt UND… Weiterlesen »Inklusion bewegt –Körpererfahrung und Selbstreflexion (Workshop)


Online Get Together, Schwerpunkt Gender


Wir möchten euch zu unserem nächsten get together am 27. April, um 18.00 Uhr einladen. Diesmal soll das genderinklusive Museum im Mittelpunkt stehen. Wir würden gern wieder mit einer Reihe kurzer Projektpräsentationen (3-5 Minuten) starten und dann gemeinsam diskutieren. Arbeitet ihr an Vorhaben und Programmen, die sich Gender und Sexualität im Museum widmen? Wisst ihr… Weiterlesen »Online Get Together, Schwerpunkt Gender


2nd Vienna Workshop on STEM Museums, Gender and Sexuality

Technisches Museum Wien Mariahilfer Straße 212, Wien, Wien

Ernährung und Gender stehen im Mittelpunkt des "2nd Vienna Workshop on STEM Museums, Gender and Sexuality", der unter dem Titel "Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Food" im TMW stattfindet. Im Rahmen des "Fokus Gender" am Technischen Museum Wien und anlässlich der Ausstellung FOODPRINTS werden in Vorträgen von internationalen Gästen und Diskussionsformaten die Herausforderungen und Potentiale… Weiterlesen »2nd Vienna Workshop on STEM Museums, Gender and Sexuality


Jahrestreffen ARGE Inklusives Museum

Volkskundemuseum Wien, Laudongasse 16-18, 1080 Wien Volkskundemuseum Wien, Laudongasse 16-18, 1080, Wien, Österreich

Termin: 24. Mai 2022 Ort: Volkskundemuseum Wien, Laudongasse 16-18, 1080 Wien Teilnahme: kostenlos, Anmeldung info@museumsbund.at Programm 9:30 bis 13 Uhr: Museum divers denken Museen im 21. Jahrhundert haben eine besondere gesellschaftliche Rolle und Verantwortung: Sie sollen kulturelle Teilhabe ermöglichen, gesellschaftliche Ungleichverhältnisse beleuchten und hinterfragen und so dazu beitragen, diese zu verändern. Diversität und Inklusion sind… Weiterlesen »Jahrestreffen ARGE Inklusives Museum


All Inclusive: Championing Accessible Museums


26 May 2022, 1200-1700 (CET) Online, Zoom Through provocations, case studies and panel discussions, All Inclusive: Championing Accessible Museums aims to explores how museums can become truly inclusive spaces and representational platforms, and champion equality at every level. This event is for anyone who is working towards diversity and inclusion at a museum or relevant… Weiterlesen »All Inclusive: Championing Accessible Museums


Disability Representation & Access in Oxford’s Museums


Learn museum skills and collaborate with other disabled, chronically ill and neurodiverse people to help make our museums better! About this event Join GLAM (Gardens, Libraries & Museums) for an afternoon of museum skills and discussion on representation and accessibility in our venues. This will be a chance for disabled, chronically ill and neurodiverse community… Weiterlesen »Disability Representation & Access in Oxford’s Museums


Inclusive Spaces: Queering Public Space


A webinar on the relationship between queer communities and public spaces and the concept of ‘designing in diversity'. About this event Join our expert panel of speakers as they discuss how – by considering diversity at early stages of design and planning – public spaces can become more accessible to marginalised and disempowered groups. Despite… Weiterlesen »Inclusive Spaces: Queering Public Space