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Taking Over the New Normal – Heritage Conference


There's a 'new normal' in heritage venues - find out how our partnership work can help you to support disability access. About this event Cardiff People First is run by people with a learning disability. Over the years they have partnered with Museum of Cardiff and Glamorgan Archives to create innovative ground-breaking projects. Their Take… Weiterlesen »Taking Over the New Normal – Heritage Conference

Disability History Month: Intellectual Disability in England, 1750-1900 – Dr Simon Jarrett


Hier zum Nachschauen: https://mmutube.mmu.ac.uk/media/Simon+Jarrett+Long+cap+BSL/1_r6n048qx About this event Dr Jarrett traces the little-known lives of people with learning disabilities from the communities of eighteenth-century England to the nineteenth-century asylum and care in today’s society. Using evidence from civil and criminal court-rooms, joke books, slang dictionaries, novels, art and caricature, this talk brings into sharp focus the… Weiterlesen »Disability History Month: Intellectual Disability in England, 1750-1900 – Dr Simon Jarrett

ICOM Massive Open Online Course: Creating Meaningful and Inclusive Museum Practices


ICOM is proud to announce the launch of its first MOOC: “Creating Meaningful and Inclusive Museum Practices” Online Anmeldung On 29 November the first ICOM Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) will be online and available to all on the Future Learn platform: “Creating Meaningful and Inclusive Museum Practices”.  The course will encourage museum professionals to explore a… Weiterlesen »ICOM Massive Open Online Course: Creating Meaningful and Inclusive Museum Practices


Time to Act: How lack of knowledge in the cultural sector creates barriers for disabled artists and audiences


Launch of Final Report: Time to Act: How lack of knowledge in the cultural sector creates barriers for disabled artists and audiences About this event Join the British Council, On the Move, and the partners of Europe Beyond Access as we launch this ground-breaking major new study, spanning 42 countries, into the barriers that disabled… Weiterlesen »Time to Act: How lack of knowledge in the cultural sector creates barriers for disabled artists and audiences


Transformative Futures online: Jamila Prowse – Making art accessible


Link to Online Registration In this workshop, disabled artist and writer Jamila Prowse will delve into the creative possibilities of art accessibility. About this event In this workshop, disabled artist and writer Jamila Prowse will delve into the creative possibilities of access adjustments. From audio description to closed captions, alt-text and remote viewing, Jamila will… Weiterlesen »Transformative Futures online: Jamila Prowse – Making art accessible


Curating Discomfort


Curating Discomfort is looking at ways outside of traditional museum authority to explore the interpretation of contested collections. Online Registration  About this event The culture, heritage and museum sector are beginning to understand that much of their collections reveal uncomfortable histories and that the representation of Scotland’s imperial and colonial past need addressed to change… Weiterlesen »Curating Discomfort


Museums and Neurodiversity Network


Join us for the next network meeting to discuss Neurodiversity in Museums. About this event The next meeting of the network will bring together guest speakers in the field of neurodivergence, museums, and culture. We will discuss existing barriers, opportunities, and proactive responses to neurodivergent need across the sector. All welcome! Link to online Registration


PH x College: Intro to Inclusive Design in Museums (Virtual)


A discussion followed by a workshop. Participants are invited to think actively about creating solutions to accessibility issues in design. About this event Link to online Registration  How are museums morally and ethically obligated to ensure their spaces are accessible to all? And are they delivering on that obligation and including disabled individuals in such… Weiterlesen »PH x College: Intro to Inclusive Design in Museums (Virtual)


“That which never can be suppressed”: LGBTQ+ history in the Royal College Physicians‘ collections


LGBTQ+ stories can be traced back at least 350 years in our collections and cover the experiences of LGBTQ+ people, including physicians, as well as the views of a society that medicalised them. What contributions did physicians make to the ground-breaking Wolfenden Report? How was sexuality and gender identity discussed in the earliest textbooks on… Weiterlesen »“That which never can be suppressed”: LGBTQ+ history in the Royal College Physicians‘ collections


Cripical Theory: 12 Aspects of Disability Art & Education Never Resolved


Creative Industries Festival: Opening Statement & "Cripical Theory": 12 Aspects of Disability Art and Education That Never Get Resolved About this event Register Here for Zoom Link What is the problem with terms like 'non-disabled', 'tragic', 'brave', 'heartwarming', 'normal', 'people with disabilities' and others often used when addressing artificially constructed oppositions? This session serves as… Weiterlesen »Cripical Theory: 12 Aspects of Disability Art & Education Never Resolved


Anti-Racism and Museums: Young People Sparking Change


Are you interested in exploring how museums can create platforms for young Black, Asian and minority ethnic creatives? About this event The lack of diversity within the museum sector is reflected by its visitor data. Did you know that only 9% of museum visitors describe their ethnicity as Black, Asian or minority ethnic, despite making… Weiterlesen »Anti-Racism and Museums: Young People Sparking Change
