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All Together Now: Embedding Community Participation


Museums have the power to change lives – not least through active public participation and engaging with diverse communities, sharing collections and knowledge. The one-day event looks at how museums are engaging with underserved audiences and working with community interest groups in participatory and equitable ways. It examines the impact the Covid pandemic has had… Weiterlesen »All Together Now: Embedding Community Participation

£30 – £60

Online Get-Together – ARGE Inklusives Museum #3


Viele von euch sind in den letzten eineinhalb Jahren auf digitale Angebote umgestiegen. Neue Programme wurden entwickelt und bereits bestehende Programme digital angepasst. Wir dachten uns, dass wir mit einer Reihe kurzer Projektpräsentationen (3-5 Minuten) anfangen und dann gemeinsam diskutieren. Wir würden gerne von euren inklusiven online Programmen hören und laden alle ein, die etwas… Weiterlesen »Online Get-Together – ARGE Inklusives Museum #3


Transformative Futures online: Jamila Prowse – Making art accessible


Link to Online Registration In this workshop, disabled artist and writer Jamila Prowse will delve into the creative possibilities of art accessibility. About this event In this workshop, disabled artist and writer Jamila Prowse will delve into the creative possibilities of access adjustments. From audio description to closed captions, alt-text and remote viewing, Jamila will… Weiterlesen »Transformative Futures online: Jamila Prowse – Making art accessible


Curating Discomfort


Curating Discomfort is looking at ways outside of traditional museum authority to explore the interpretation of contested collections. Online Registration  About this event The culture, heritage and museum sector are beginning to understand that much of their collections reveal uncomfortable histories and that the representation of Scotland’s imperial and colonial past need addressed to change… Weiterlesen »Curating Discomfort


Museums and Neurodiversity Network


Join us for the next network meeting to discuss Neurodiversity in Museums. About this event The next meeting of the network will bring together guest speakers in the field of neurodivergence, museums, and culture. We will discuss existing barriers, opportunities, and proactive responses to neurodivergent need across the sector. All welcome! Link to online Registration


PH x College: Intro to Inclusive Design in Museums (Virtual)


A discussion followed by a workshop. Participants are invited to think actively about creating solutions to accessibility issues in design. About this event Link to online Registration  How are museums morally and ethically obligated to ensure their spaces are accessible to all? And are they delivering on that obligation and including disabled individuals in such… Weiterlesen »PH x College: Intro to Inclusive Design in Museums (Virtual)



OUTing the Past celebrates LGBT+ history with a day of talks. The Zoom link for this online event will be sent to attendees before the event About this event Join us for this year’s OUTing the Past event as we host the conference online to a live audience. The Zoom link for this online event… Weiterlesen »


“That which never can be suppressed”: LGBTQ+ history in the Royal College Physicians‘ collections


LGBTQ+ stories can be traced back at least 350 years in our collections and cover the experiences of LGBTQ+ people, including physicians, as well as the views of a society that medicalised them. What contributions did physicians make to the ground-breaking Wolfenden Report? How was sexuality and gender identity discussed in the earliest textbooks on… Weiterlesen »“That which never can be suppressed”: LGBTQ+ history in the Royal College Physicians‘ collections


Cripical Theory: 12 Aspects of Disability Art & Education Never Resolved


Creative Industries Festival: Opening Statement & "Cripical Theory": 12 Aspects of Disability Art and Education That Never Get Resolved About this event Register Here for Zoom Link What is the problem with terms like 'non-disabled', 'tragic', 'brave', 'heartwarming', 'normal', 'people with disabilities' and others often used when addressing artificially constructed oppositions? This session serves as… Weiterlesen »Cripical Theory: 12 Aspects of Disability Art & Education Never Resolved


Invisible & Under-Represented? Disability History, Objects & Heritage


Conference: 22-23 March 2022 The experiences and histories of disabled people, like other marginalised groups, are often absent or hidden the museum or archive. Almost twenty years ago, both Annie Delin (2002) and Catherine Kudlick (2002) separately suggested that the place of disability in our shared past has been 'buried in the footnotes' or the… Weiterlesen »Invisible & Under-Represented? Disability History, Objects & Heritage


Anti-Racism and Museums: Young People Sparking Change


Are you interested in exploring how museums can create platforms for young Black, Asian and minority ethnic creatives? About this event The lack of diversity within the museum sector is reflected by its visitor data. Did you know that only 9% of museum visitors describe their ethnicity as Black, Asian or minority ethnic, despite making… Weiterlesen »Anti-Racism and Museums: Young People Sparking Change
