Themenheft: Inklusion in der Archäologie
(Vorabversionen – Early View)
Barbara Hausmair
Inklusion in der Archäologie. Ein Vorwort.
Elsbeth Bösl
Inklusion und Archäologien. Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen aus der Sicht der Disability History.
This article discusses the impulses emanating from disability studies for the archaeological disciplines and the demands that the idea of inclusion places on the archaeologies. Despite all methodological difficulties, interdisciplinary research on antiquity can contribute to the knowledge of disability history if it develops a reflected bio-socio-cultural approach to the past. Making disability history a focus of research can also contribute to consolidating the idea of inclusion in archaeology. However, drawing attention to inclusion also places new demands on teaching and academic practice and the archaeological profession as a whole, as it equally affects communication and tpublic archaeology. Approaches and problems in this regard are outlined.
Keywords: Disability History, Disability Studies, accessibility, inclusion, bioarchaeology
Rafie R. Cecilia
Blind and Partially Sighted People’s Motivation to Visit Museums: A London-based Case Study.
In the UK, accessibility for blind and partially sighted people in museums and cultural heritage sites has seen substantial progress thanks to the civil rights movement and the Equality Act of 2010. In recent years, there has been significant development of projects in UK museums for disabled people that aim to be socially inclusive. The concept of “motivation”, coming from Museum Studies literature, is central to understanding blind and partially sighted visitors’ experiences. This paper aims to investigate the motivation and expectations of blind and partially sighted visitors, providing a general understanding of why they decide to visit museums and how accessible resources affect their experience.
Findings show that participants have multiple motivations for visiting, and they do not consider different motivations to be conflicting. The social and educational aspects seemed to be the most valued elements regarding visitors’ experience. The analysis suggests clear links between the way participants use resources in the museum and their motivation for visiting museums. The results show that the use of accessible resources has the potential to enhance the museum experience of blind and partially sighted people.
Keywords: accessibility, motivation, museums, learning, disability
Juliane Lippok
Museum für alle – mehr als ein Schlagwort?
The motto of the International Museum Day 2020 was “The Museum for Everyone – Museums for Diversity and Inclusion.” But who is everyone? The focus of this article is a target group that is hardly included in archaeological and cultural history museums in Germany – people with psychological, neurological or cognitive disabilities. The article grows out of practice and should be understood as a workshop report. Using three practical examples from the Magdeburg Cultural History Museum, obstacles and success factors are highlighted. In addition, possible reasons for the marginalization of these target groups in German museums are to be identified. The article focuses on programs designed for groups. Also very important are of course offers for individual visitors. In addition it needs to be kept in mind that the group of people with disabilities is very diverse. Therefore, general recommendations may be derived from the experiences presented in this paper, but individual needs always must be taken into account.
Keywords: museum, inclusion, diversity, education, intellectual disability