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Access + Ability: Redefining Accessibility in the Arts

Juni 5, 2021 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Grafische Infoblatt für die Veranstaltung mit Titel "Access and Ability Rededfining accessibility in the arts am 5. Juni
Interactive discussion about accessibility in the arts.

About this event

In partnership with Emerging Arts Professionals‘ Art Workers Week and the College of Adaptive Arts, genARTS presents an interactive discussion featuring various perspectives about accessibility for artists, arts professionals, and cultural producers.

Join this virtual panel with local experts and learn to rethink strategies for engagement with communities with differing abilities for your creative work and events.


Access + Ability: Redefining Accessibility in the Arts

Saturday, June 5, 2021

10:30am PT

Online event. $5 per adult suggested donation.




College of Adaptive Arts
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