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2nd Vienna Workshop on STEM Museums, Gender and Sexuality

Technisches Museum Wien Mariahilfer Straße 212, Wien, Wien

Ernährung und Gender stehen im Mittelpunkt des "2nd Vienna Workshop on STEM Museums, Gender and Sexuality", der unter dem Titel "Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Food" im TMW stattfindet. Im Rahmen des "Fokus Gender" am Technischen Museum Wien und anlässlich der Ausstellung FOODPRINTS werden in Vorträgen von internationalen Gästen und Diskussionsformaten die Herausforderungen und Potentiale… Weiterlesen »2nd Vienna Workshop on STEM Museums, Gender and Sexuality


All Inclusive: Championing Accessible Museums


26 May 2022, 1200-1700 (CET) Online, Zoom Through provocations, case studies and panel discussions, All Inclusive: Championing Accessible Museums aims to explores how museums can become truly inclusive spaces and representational platforms, and champion equality at every level. This event is for anyone who is working towards diversity and inclusion at a museum or relevant… Weiterlesen »All Inclusive: Championing Accessible Museums


Disability Representation & Access in Oxford’s Museums


Learn museum skills and collaborate with other disabled, chronically ill and neurodiverse people to help make our museums better! About this event Join GLAM (Gardens, Libraries & Museums) for an afternoon of museum skills and discussion on representation and accessibility in our venues. This will be a chance for disabled, chronically ill and neurodiverse community… Weiterlesen »Disability Representation & Access in Oxford’s Museums


Inclusive Spaces: Queering Public Space


A webinar on the relationship between queer communities and public spaces and the concept of ‘designing in diversity'. About this event Join our expert panel of speakers as they discuss how – by considering diversity at early stages of design and planning – public spaces can become more accessible to marginalised and disempowered groups. Despite… Weiterlesen »Inclusive Spaces: Queering Public Space

Considering Inclusive Research Methodologies


An iHuman and Disability Staff Network symposium brought to you by the University of Sheffield About this event In this iHuman and Disability Staff Network seminar we rethink normative methodologies of research. We consider embodiment, emotion, accessibility, inclusion, and disability to generate new ways of thinking about research practice and process. To learn more about… Weiterlesen »Considering Inclusive Research Methodologies

From Community to Hospital and Back Again: A History of Care


Hear how the history of care for people with learning disabilities has shifted over time, and how community care functions today About this event Before the early 19th century, people with learning disabilities were largely ignored in healthcare and medicine. Since practitioners were paid by results, care of those who were considered “incurable” was not… Weiterlesen »From Community to Hospital and Back Again: A History of Care


A History of Learning Disability and Human Rights


Find out why we need to understand the history of learning disability to ensure better support for people with learning disabilities today In many ways the past few decades have been a revolutionary period for people with learning disabilities across the world, culminating in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).… Weiterlesen »A History of Learning Disability and Human Rights


The Metamorphosis of Autism: A History of Neurodiversity


Join us in person or online for talks exploring the history and personal experiences of autism and neurodiversity. About this event Talks from 5.30pm (in person and online): What is neurodiversity and where has it come from? Increased diagnostic rates of autism, the rise of the neurodiversity movement, and growing journalism have recently fuelled autism's fame… Weiterlesen »The Metamorphosis of Autism: A History of Neurodiversity


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion im Museum: neuer Farbanstrich oder kultureller Wandel?

MUMOK MUMOK Lounge, MQ, Mumseumsplatz 1, 1010 Wien, Wien

©mumok, Foto: Niko Havranek 23. September 2022, 9.30-11.30 Uhr, Einlass & Kaffee ab 9.00 Uhr mumok, MuseumsQuartier, Mumseumsplatz 1, 1010 Wien (mumok Lounge) Diversity, Equity & Inclusion im Museum: neuer Farbanstrich oder kultureller Wandel? Vortrag von Doris B. Ash (Prof. em. für Wissenschaftsvermittlung, University of California, Santa Cruz) Kommentar von Luise Reitstätter (Kulturwissenschaftlerin, Institut für… Weiterlesen »Diversity, Equity & Inclusion im Museum: neuer Farbanstrich oder kultureller Wandel?


Inclusive Spaces: LGBTQIA+ Places and Stories


Wed, 22 February 2023, 13:00 – 14:00 GMT “Queer people have always found ways to exist and be together, and there will always be a need for queer spaces.” During LGBTQ+ History Month 2023, the editors of ‘Queer Spaces’ will join us to explore historic, contemporary and speculative LGBTQIA+ spaces from around the world. ‘Queer Spaces’… Weiterlesen »Inclusive Spaces: LGBTQIA+ Places and Stories


CFP – „Hidden Worlds: Histories of Disability Things and Material Culture“, Workshop 13-15 Sept 2023

University of Manchester Oxford Road, Manchester, Großbritannien

Call for Papers for Workshop on Wed 13th-15th September 2023 (Manchester, hybrid)  Deadline for Submissions: 1st May 2023 For over two decades, historians of disability have called for greater engagement with material culture (Katherine Ott, David Serlin, and Stephen Mihm). Responding to this call, they have extensively examined prosthetics and wheelchairs, focusing on the processes of… Weiterlesen »CFP – „Hidden Worlds: Histories of Disability Things and Material Culture“, Workshop 13-15 Sept 2023

Sixteenth International Conference on the Inclusive Museum

UBC Robson Square 800 Robson Street,, Vancouver, BC, British Columbia, Kanada

Museum Transformations: Pathways to Community Engagement Founded in 2008, The Inclusive Museum Research Network is brought together by a shared concern for the future role of the museum and how it can become more inclusive. We seek to build an epistemic community where we can make linkages across disciplinary, geographic, and cultural boundaries. As a Research Network,… Weiterlesen »Sixteenth International Conference on the Inclusive Museum